We are happy to share with you the 2025 tournaments hosted by our association members. If your event is not listed please reach out to us at info@pwsaontario.com These events have been shared with us, we can’t advise whether or not they still have spots open, please reach out directly to the event for additional information.
PLEASE NOTE: As of January 1st, completed tournament information for Special Event Tournaments and Members’ Tournaments (for advertising only) will be accepted for posting.Please see information below and read the Special Event Guidelines carefully. ******************************************************************************************************
PLEASE NOTE: Any team who organizes exhibition games/weekends with teams outside Province/Country without the permission of the PSO and without a valid travel permit from either the P.W.S.A. or their PSO/Federation, head coach & team manager will not be permitted to travel outside of the province for a period of one year. ******************************************************************************************************* PICKING UP PLAYERS – If a team is picking up players from another team, please send your Divisional Coordinator (and copy Debbie Malisani) the letter of permission from the player’s club coach. This is a must for insurance purposes. ****************************************************************************************************** NOTE: A P.W.S.A. affiliated team that has entered an Ontario tournament that is not listed as a Member Event on the P.W.S.A. website or has not been “sanctioned” by the P.W.S.A., will not have P.W.S.A. insurance coverage for that event.
Special Event Insurance coverage is available to Associations holding a Member Tournament and wish to purchase additional liability insurance for their event.
Special Event Tournament Posting Form for 2025 – available January 1st, 2025
Special Event Guidelines – available January 1st, 2025