As we continue to work through these challenging times, we see some light on the horizon with the opening of the sport fields and batting cages in many municipalities, however we also saw the emergency order extended to June 30th today. Unfortunately the mass gathering number of 5 has also been extended to June 30th. We have worked diligently with the ministry and our counterparts across the country to develop acceptable return to play protocol for our sport which has been released to you our members last week.
We remind all coaches/managers/associations that any team operating without the umbrella of the incorporation, the coach will be personally assuming all the risk and responsibility if he/she should be named in a lawsuit.
We also want to remind everyone we suspended all activities on March 12, 2020 until further notice. This includes sanctioned tournaments, practice, exhibition essentially any activity.
We also want to be very clear that PWSA will not be “cancelling” the season, we may cancel or move the Qualifiers or Provincials but we will not be cancelling the season.
In response to the Government of Ontario’s declaration of a state of emergency, for the protection of our members and athletic community, P.W.S.A. will be extending the current suspension of all activities until June 14, 2020. Softball Ontario is also suspending all operations until June 14, 2020.
We will continue to re-evaluate circumstances every two-weeks. Email messages will continue to be monitored and we will endeavor to provide support to our members as best we can in the weeks to come.
Softball Canada has extended the suspension of its operations through May 31, 2020 and has cancelled all Canadian Championships.
The Eastern Canadian Championship committee has cancelled all championships for 2020.
At present, the government has yet to suspend or cancel the Ontario Summer Games, we continue to discuss and monitor this situation on bi-weekly calls with ministry.
We have also reviewed our affiliation and signing deadline dates and while challenging, will need to remain in place if we are to hit the ground running in the event we are fortunate enough to get a partial season. We have sent you all forms electronically and you can have your athletes, parents sign and send electronically for 2020, we will also waive the requirement of the signatures on the team certificate and waive the requirements of coach certification Provincially for the 2020 season.
Affiliation Deadline
U10 to U19 Divisions — May 8, 2020
Intermediate, Open, Masters Divisions — May 29, 2020
Changing Tier I or Tier II Deadline
May 24, 2020
Signing/Commitment Deadline
U10 to U19 Divisions — June 10, 2020
Intermediate, Open, Masters Divisions — June 10, 2020
In the meantime, for any questions you may have on affiliations, please contact the Association Registrar at
We thank everyone for their understanding and support as we navigate through this very tough and challenging time for all.