Happy Canada Day
We are sending what we hope to be one of our final few communiques regards to the Covid-19 Pandemic and our Suspension of activities for 2020.
As you are all aware we still have 2 Regions of the Province in Phase 1 and as such the Province has extended the Emergency order to July 10th and Softball Ontario has also extended the suspension of Softball Activities until July 11th, 2020.
As such PWSA will also be required to extend the suspension of Softball Activities until the same date. We are however very excited to advise that we will be permitted to allow “training opportunities” to those Associations who have completed and filed the required documentation and have received their Certificate of Insurance as well as a letter from us outlining the conditions to the training sessions and the date you can effectively take the field.
We remind you of the points below regards to our Return to Play.
Even though the government has opened the sports fields in Phase 2 it is still up to the individual municipalities to determine how they will handle this. We know of 2 cities who will not open the fields until September, others are mid July so please understand there will be different rules and stages of opening across the Province. Please respect the seriousness of the current climate, please do not travel into other regions or cities to begin to practice. The mass gathering number currently remains at 10 which includes players, coaches, parents, administrators etc.
U10 and U12 will be able to return to training once the mass gathering number increases from the current 10.
I ask you to please get your Return to Play documents, approvals from the health department and city, fees for Associated Insurance ($75.00) in to the Association Registrar, and hopefully we as a community can find a way to follow the regulations and by – laws so we can continue to enjoy this great game of ours.
Please note our Return to Play document is approved and if you wish to enhance it you are free to do so but as stated on the first page, only if you wish to make it more stringent.
For our affiliated teams you will have received an email from Javelin who is the provider of our Wellness app. https://youtu.be/C-I_OG4stf8 We have provided this for you as a required element of participating in the Provincial tournament. If you do not use the app for the wellness check you will not be permitted entry to the Provincial tournament. Teams of course are free to use it for their practices, exhibition play etc. through Sept 30, 2020 or for their own ease of completing the wellness requirements of Return to Play.
For all other teams and associations if you are interested in this for any of your other teams or your entire association please contact info@pwsaontario.com. Please note Javelin will not set you up directly but will only set up through us.