Special General Meeting Postponed

In conjunction with its Provincial and Territorial Associations, Softball Canada will be deferring the age category change motions that were to be voted on September 1st to the spring of 2021. Last week, a Special General Meeting was called to consider these motions following a request from Softball Canada’s membership, but after further internal discussions, it was felt more time was needed to properly consider these important changes.

The Special General Meeting and associated workshop were being held to consider age group changes which, if passed, would have subsequently led to adjustments to the ball size and pitching distances for the revised age groups. The postponement of the meeting means that the current age categories, ball sizes and distances will remain in effect for the 2021 season.

Softball Canada and its Provincial and Territorial Associations are fully committed to continuing to work collaboratively to affect a positive long-term solution for our sport. A working group has been put in place to consider all aspects of the potential age category changes and to provide recommendations that will be shared with the Provincial and Territorial Associations for their review and input. Following that process, any proposed changes will be made through motions that would be voted on at the spring 2021 Special General Meeting. If the proposed changes are passed, they would be enacted for the 2022 season.