Coaches/Players » Team Information Database

The P.W.S.A. is now updating the Team Information Database for 2025.

Please click on link (Add New Record) at the bottom of this page to have your Team Information added to the Team Information Database.

Default sort is by "Team Name." Re-sort by a field by clicking on a column name (e.g. Division).
Click on the plus icon to the left of a Team Name to get additional information such as contact information for that Team.
You can also search using keywords. e.g. "U15" or "Brampton" (no quotes).
Records are displayed in groups of 25 teams, if you have more than 25 teams listed you may move between pages using the page number links at the bottom right of the page.
If you have performed a search (filtered the list) a "Reset Search" link will appear to the right of the "search" link. This will allow you to start over with the entire database.

It's easy! All you need to do is:
Click on the Add New Record link found at the bottom right of this webpage.
Fill out and submit your team information. Only the fields marked by an asterisk (*) are "Required"
Note: All team submissions must be approved by the P.W.S.A., once the submission is approved, it will automatically appear in the Team Information Database.

Send an email to stating:
Your name and phone number
The name of your team
Your team's division
What you would like changed
We will make the changes as soon as possible.

Arthur Twisters

TeamArthur Twisters




Arthur Minor Ball Association has been in operation for more than 50 years, serving the greater Arthur community, both boys and girls from Blastball through Midget. Softball teams generally participate in the Intercounty Softball Association. Hardball activities commenced in 2023.


Jeff McKee


Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Mobile/Phone 2

(519) 848-1112


186 Clarke St.
Box 215
Arthur, Ontario N0G 1A0
Map It

Alternate Contact

Jamie Cox

Email (Alt. Contact)

Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Phone (Alt. Contact)

(519) 820-5053

Mobile/Phone 2 (Alt. Contact)

(519) 400-6520

Entry Date

December 1, 2023

+ Add New Record